Tanzania Labour Guide presents to you an Employers Book

Important Facts about Labour Disputes in Tanzania

Do you know that in every 10 incidents of termination of employment, 8 out of 10 employees will file a labour dispute challenging termination?
Do you know that 6 out of 8 referred disputes employers are penalised to pay compensation at least 12 months salary for unfair termination?
If you own business and you have employed some employees it is a fact that one day you will terminate their employment. Therefore, according to the facts above you are at risk that your actions will be challenged at CMA or Labour Office and might be penalised for unfair termination.

According to the research done on Labour Disputes in Tanzania which involved more than 1,000 labour disputes for the past 10 years it was revealed that Employees are successful in challenging termination on the rate of more than 80%, i.e in every 100 labour disputes 80 disputes ended in favour of employees and employers were penalised to pay compensation of not less than 12 Months salaries.

The Author has discovered about 50 Common Mistakes done by Employers which contributes to the failures that employers are witnessing in labour disputes.

In the book titled Employers’ Common Mistakes under Labour Laws whereby you will learn

Common Mistakes on Engagement of Employee
Common Mistakes on Administration of Contract
Common Mistakes on Managing Employee's Conduct
Common Mistakes on Reason for Termination
Common Mistakes on Procedure
Common Mistakes on Imposition of Penalties
Price: 35,000/- per hard copy.

You can purchase your copy on-line for Tsh.20,000/- at Get Value store by following the link below

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