Drive Test Technician


Drive Test Technician

Tue Oct 11, 2016

Position Responsibility Instruction Job description Drive test 1. Do the drive test for the new site 2. Do the drive test for cluster 3. Write the report of drive test and give the trouble shooting solution Coverage and Interference simulation 1. According to the project process 2. Do the simulation for a certain region Monitor the KPI 1. Check the daily KPI, Summary the worse cell and do the trouble shooting 2. Monitor the faulting and warning of hardware, 3. Inform the maintenance department for trouble shooting Cell Parameter planning and optimization 1. Do the cell parameter planning and neighbor relation design 2. According to the KPI and Drive test, Modify the parameter to improve the performance Position qualifications? 1? Education background and major?at least the junior college. 2? Working experiences?Telecommunication working experience 3 years. 3? Essential knowledge?familiar with the DT work. 4? Necessary skills?handle the DT work, finish the report and give the advice for modification. 5? Privilege conditions? 6? Comprehensive quality?familiar with computer operation and did the telecommunication work before.

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